Well this is my first blog. I never really thought i would start one of these but i have always liked writing so i guess even though this was a requirement it is a good one. What i would like is to turn this blog into the crazy things i see or hear everyday. I have worked in three different coffee shops over 5 years and have witnessed some crazy. Now everyone that has worked in customer service knows what i am talking about. The people who think they know more about what you are selling then you do and the people who are just plain crazy. I will be sharing these stories as they happen and as i remember them.
First, those people who have no idea what they are ordering but they want to pretend they do. A lady walks up to the counter and ask "What sugar free flavors do you have?" I respond from memory as i am asked this question multiple times a day "raspberry, caramel, vanilla, hazelnut and chocolate." She responds "oh, so you don't have sugar free mocha?" I then inform her that chocolate and mocha are the same thing (something that i assume even a non coffee drinker would know). So i then procede to ask what size and if she would like white chocolate, dark chocolate or milk chocolate. She then looks at me with an extremely puzzled face. "CHOCOLATE??? for what???'
People are weird. They seem to make strange assumptions based on nothing relating to reality.